Other projects
Besides my open-source and paid plugins, I have a few related projects, and I also created plugins for internal purposes at companies I worked at before.
Related projects
I have two non-plugin projects that are also worth mentioning, and are related to IntelliJ IDEs.
One of them is a blog called I(J)nspector and its backing GitHub repo, on which I post articles about how to create Structural Search and Replace Templates, and another GitHub repo in which I mainly collect detailed descriptions and examples how Live Template macros work.
Internal projects
Integration of a JavaScript based test automation library
This plugin integrated a JavaScript based test automation library (that uses image-comparison for testing) into WebStorm taking into account the project’s internal rules and conventions. In addition to that, it provided navigation and validation support for JS React based translations and internal translation rules.
Code and screenshot references for Gherkin documents
This plugin was created to speed up a colleague’s work and ramp-up process with a Cucumber based test automation solution, where a custom syntax was used in Gherkin DocStrings, and screenshot information and references were added to certain Gherkin steps.
Basic syntax highlighting for SenseTalk script files
This plugin provided basic syntax highlighting and Live Templates for the SenseTalk language without any actual language support, so that an IDE (IntelliJ in this case) with a richer feature set could be used for Eggplant script implementation.
Code snippet from SenseTalk documentation.
NOTE: The code snippets on this page are from a personal sandbox project, and the plugin features are recreated for demonstration purposes.