Live Templates
The plugin incorporates a handful of live templates for e.g. actions and containers for easier implementation of them. Each template’s name is prefixed with the letter c, so they are distinguished from other similar templates.
Templates are available for both Citrus 3.x and 4.x in a separate Citrus v3 and Citrus v4 group. The Citrus v4 group is disabled by default.
Abbreviation | Description |
csequential | Sequence container |
cconditional | Conditional container |
csleepmillis | Sleep action is milliseconds |
csleepsecs | Sleep action in seconds |
ctransformxml | Transform action using XML and XSLT String or resource |
ctransformxmlfile | Transform action using XML and XSLT files |
cassertexception | Assert container with exception type |
ccatchexception | Catch container with exception type |
cdofinally | FinallySequence container with actions |
citer | Iterate container with default index |
citeri | Iterate container with custom index |
cparallel | Parallel container |
crepeatonerror | Repeat-on-error container |
crepeat | Repeat-until container |
ctimer | Timer container |
cwait | Wait container |